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Carley’s tomato relish 300g


Carley’s tomato relish 300g

SKU: 770000002833 Category:

Manufacturer’s/Supplier’s Description:

Once tasted never forgotten! We are intensely proud of our Organic Tomato Relish, we always have a jar on the go in the staff room to top onto our lunches!

(A new Carley’s tradition of ‘hot dog Tuesdays’ has become a thing!)

Made with fresh organic sun ripened tomatoes and tomato puree for a full on tomato taste sensation! The tomatoes are gently simmered with a delicious mix of fresh apples, onions, gherkins, sweetcorn, coriander seeds, mustard, garlic, black pepper and paprika resulting in a wonderful flavoursome relish that’ll really get your taste buds tickled!

Quick supper ideas? This is the easiest pizza sauce ever, all the flavours you could need, just add some olives and a bit of mozzarella and away you go! Our current seasonal favourite extra toppings are sliced courgettes, red onions and double podded broad beans scattered on the top too! Delish!