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Penne pasta with sauce

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Penne Pasta with Red Pepper and Bean Sauce

From the True Food Cookery Course

Serves 4


  • 200g penne pasta
  • 1 x 400g tin kidney beans
  • 1 x 400g tin tomatoes
  • 2 x red peppers, chopped
  • 1 tbls olive oil
  • 1 x onion
  • 1 x clove garlic
  • 2 tbls. fresh basil
  • 2 x tbls. Cheddar cheese, grated
  • ½ teaspoon chilli powder (optional)
  • Black pepper to season
  • 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar (optional)


  1. Prepare ingredients: chop onion; crush clove of garlic; wash and rip basil leaves; wash and dice red peppers; grate cheese.
  2. Heat a large pan of water. When boiling, add pasta. Put lid on. When it returns to boil, lower heat and simmer for ten minutes, or as instructed on packet.
  3. Heat olive oil in saucepan. Add onion and garlic and sauté until onion is translucent, but not brown.
  4. Add red peppers, heat through, stirring all the time, for a few minutes until softened slightly.
  5. Add tomatoes and kidney beans. Simmer on low heat for about ten minutes, with a lid on.Stir occasionally.
  6. To season: Stir in chilli powder, black pepper, vinegar. Stir in basil leaves.
  7. To serve: Drain pasta. Divide pasta between serving plates. Pour red pepper and bean sauce on top. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.

Eat and enjoy!

Suggested serving: accompany with mixed green salad and garlic bread.

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