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Quinoa and Millet

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By Diana Earnshaw

Quinoa is the seed (not a grain) from plants related to spinach and chard. Native to South America, it is grown worldwide now as demand has increased exponentially in the last few years. Being gluten-free, it is useful for those with celiac disease or who are gluten intolerant.

Nutritionally, the red and white varieties of quinoa (stocked at True Food) are very similar. As a non-meat source of protein, they have a better-than-average amino acid (protein building blocks) profile, containing lysine, which so many grains and seeds lack. There is a good range of minerals and antioxidants too.

Red quinoa looks very pretty in salads, but it takes a few minutes longer to cook than the white variety, which may be better for “risotto” type dishes.

Flaked quinoa and millet flakes are also available. Maybe you have seen them and wonder how to use them? This website would be useful if you want to try quinoa flakes: There are recipes here for granola, cookies, pancakes, porridge and more.

Millet is a grain rather than a seed. It also has a good range of nutrients, being particularly high in B vitamins and it too, is gluten-free. It is often used as an alternative in rice dishes. Millet flakes are not so well-known, but can be made into a delicious porridge and used similarly to quinoa flakes.

Try quinoa puffs too! Here is a recipe for Puffed Quinoa and Nut Bars.

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